
We support building more housing.

Who are we? Get to know us a little.

Talk to your friends about zoning.

At Neighbors for More Neighbors—Columbus, we believe in housing for all. We believe in ending exclusionary zoning.

We believe in mixed-use zoning. We believe in raising height limits and decreasing setbacks. We believe zoning is currently a powerful tool of institutional racism, and we believe in dismantling that power. We believe that increasing the amount of housing units available in all neighborhoods can help make entire cities affordable. We believe in preventing displacement. We believe in landlord-tenant reforms that shift the balance of power toward renters. This means we support housing, period. That includes (but is not limited to):

  • naturally-occurring affordable housing
  • government-subsidized affordable housing
  • publicly-owned and operated housing
  • non profit owned and operated housing
  • privately built market-rate housing

We strongly believe renting is nothing to be ashamed of, whether by choice or circumstance. We support homeownership. We believe in apartments, condos, townhomes, senior housing, and supportive housing.

We believe more people living in urban areas is greener than sprawl, and we believe that supply and demand are linked. We believe there is an environmental crisis that demands change, and some of these changes will be in our approach to housing policies.

We believe Central Ohio is experiencing a housing shortage, as evidenced by rising rents and low vacancy rates. We believe that housing policies of the last several decades have favored wealthy landowners, who are over-represented in land use planning discussions.

Density is beautiful and historic.

This beautiful brick Victorian Italianate townhouse was located at 82 East Town Street and was used as a combination commercial and apartment building. Notice the pair of projecting pavilions with three-sided walls and principal side entrances. This photo was likely taken sometime between 1933 and 1950.

At the intersection of Wilson and E. Main Street, the Boylston Building was a large multi-family apartment building. With a front porch and bay windows, the architectural detail was human-scale and unique.

This view from the county courthouse near Mound and High Street shows how dense our city was. Not a parking lot in sight!

Bustling with people, brimming with business, and filled with opportunities to mingle and meet—downtown Columbus was home to more than 20,000 people. Now there are less than 10,000 residents who call downtown home.

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