Support more housing at this prime South Side location!

Take an opportunity to voice your support for this important project! Supporters of the project are encouraged to send good vibes only to Councilperson Shayla Favor, chair of the Housing Committee for Columbus City Council, via her Legislative Aide: Tyneisha Harden [].
Why should N4MNs support this project?
There are several reasons. First, it helps re-populate a neighborhood that has faced substantial de-population over the past six decades. Second, the building design is appropriate for its highly urban context. Third, it is located along a transit line and near the city’s premier neighborhood park. In 1960, there were 21,223 people living on Columbus’ thriving South Side (defined as the four census tracts that nearly comprise German Village, Brewery District, Schumacher Place, and Merion Village). Today, there are only 12,000 residents in the same area. This project is one of many future projects that will inject life and vitality into the community.
The property, located in Schumacher Place, is not in a regulated historic district and represents an amazing opportunity to correct the suburban design of the former Giant Eagle site. Replacing a big-box store’s surface parking lot with a residential building that respects the pedestrian experience is exactly the type of project the neighborhood deserves.
The building, with a maximum height of 62 feet, is substantially shorter than the nearby historic Barrett Middle School, which has a peak of 75 feet. If built as proposed, hundreds more people will enjoy the amenities of these near South Side neighborhoods and get to experience the benefits of living in one of Columbus best areas.
Lastly, the project was recommended for approval by all necessary city departments (i.e. Division of Planning) as well as the South Side Area Commission, a volunteer group of neighborhood residents. A handful of wealthy homeowners are trying to deny housing to hundreds of new residents, who don’t have a voice in this conversation. Let the Development Commission and City Council know that you support more housing!

The historic Barrett Middle School,
nearby the former Giant Eagle site, is substantially taller than the proposed building.
And FYI: here’s a detailed shadow study for this project.